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How To Dance With a Partner helps you simplify your dance instruction. The ABCDs℠ let you present your instruction in a way that is easy for your students to remember. You only have to teach your students to communicate once. They use the same principles in all their dancing.

Gentle, Clearly Defined Method of Communicating

Most importantly, How To Dance With a Partner gives you the tools to teach your students how to dance safely and communicate unambiguously. Your students learn faster, feel more successful, and enjoy their dancing more.

Works for Your Students Wherever They Go

Make How To Dance With a Partner your official method of communicating. This gives you a formal communication system to teach, giving added authority to your instruction. What you teach your students works for them wherever they go to dance, adding more value to your instruction.

You Can Focus on the Dances

With the communication problem solved, you can focus your instruction on the style of each dance.

You Need Permission

Contact us for permission to use any of our service marks, trademarks, or copyright material.

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